Once you complete your online registration, you will receive an email inviting you to download our app, Zen Planner.
You will also receive a temporary password to log in for the first time to the app and install your account on the app.
Then the waivers must be signed through the app, once that is done the calendar will be freed up and you will RESERVE your sessions through the calendar. Sessions must be reserved at least 4 hours in advance.
Make sure to bring regular shoes and water to every session!

A building or structure of any size or significance is doomed without a solid foundation.
Developing an athlete works in much the same way. Building the foundation for the type of athlete can begin at a very young age. The alignment of the body and the way it moves can be influenced positively or negatively by a multitude of factors. The long-term health and durability of the body can also be influenced positively or negatively by many of these same factors.
An understanding of biomechanics, physiological factors, and appropriate training progressions are critical when deploying a training program to a young, developmental athlete. Also, not all kids develop at the same pace.
The athlete youth program is geared toward developing basic movement skills, coordination, balance, and strong structures (muscle & bones). Youth should be free to explore movement and dierent activities. You will find many professional performance coaches using the term “animal movements” and building workouts around these types of movements with elite athletes due to the brain and nervous system coordination / synchronization that can be achieved. If the top-flight athlete can benefit from movement without rules or restrictions then certainly youth, whose brains experience an astonishing amount of growth and development during this phase will gain an immense benefit from it as well.
This training offering will include warm-up with activation, mobility, dynamic flexibility, coordination, balance, motor patterns, rhythm, timing, and coordination of athletic movement as well as additional training blocks focused on strength, work capacity, and mental concentration.
We try and gamify as much of the training as we can to drive better intentional participation and output. There is no initial assessment that is done through this training offering. An assessment at this stage in development is not necessary and progress and feedback are based on coaching observation, a variety of timed sprints, measuring maximum output in certain exercises and most importantly, technically and physically mastering the training sessions. Sessions in the athlete youth program will last ~60 minutes.

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