Once you complete your online registration, you will receive an email inviting you to download our app (called Zen Planner) . You will also receive a temporary password to log in for the first time to the app and install your account on the app. Then the waivers must be signed through the app, once that is done the calendar will be freed up and you will RESERVE your sessions through the calendar. Sessions must be reserved at least 12 hours in advance.
Make sure to bring regular shoes, cleats or track spikes and water to every session!

Our Athlete Youth Elite program is centered around a movement-first approach and is a comprehensive training program. We have several different points of focus that we hit within these sessions including: extended warm up with activation, mobility, flexibility, coordination, balance, motor patterns and rhythm, timing and coordination as well as training that emphasize speed, change of direction, power/force production, strength and work capacity.
In any given session, our youth athletes go through an extensive warm up and movement prep followed by 1-2 additional blocks of training. The focus of our program is the instruction of proper technique/biomechanics and building more efficient movement – strength training is used at times as a compliment to movement.
In addition to these areas of focus, athletes within our Youth Elite program will also train on our world class – 1080 Motion Sprint technology. Use of the 1080 sprint machines will include resisted, overspeed and variable resistance runs. While there is no pre or post assessment in the Youth Elite program, we will collect and track jump data, power output, and every sprint captured on the 1080 Motion technology. Sessions in the Youth Elite program will last ~90 minutes.
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