Athlete Overspeed
“I feel the need…. the need for SPEED !!!!!”
-- Tom Cruise
This training offering is for athletes ages 8 – 11yrs old who lack posture / body control, mechanics, coordination and speed when they run.
Overspeed can be defined as pushing the nervous system forcibly to recruit muscle tissue more efficiently (faster, more force potential) by accelerating and moving the body at speeds greater than competitive or previous maximal speeds.
Overspeed training isn’t a new training concept or practice for developing faster athletes. However, the ability to measure it precisely and pinpoint its accuracy with technology is brand new. Technology and innovation always open up opportunities for those who are willing to
handle the challenges that come with pioneering them.
Overspeed training with the 1080 Sprint is truly what separates Plus 2 from everyone else without this capability because of the profound impact it has on the central nervous system muscle interaction interface. The 1080 Sprint is making speed happen every day at Plus 2 because we not only overspeed our elite and mature athletes, but we also know that it is safe and very beneficial for young athletes as well. The technology allows for a wide variance in intensity, speed and difficulty that accommodates and adjusts from very young athletes (starting at 10 yrs. old) all the way through professional and world class elite athletes.
Overspeed is a big part of the Athlete Elite Training Program but it is also available as a separate training offering because it can be a very effective add on to almost any outside training program an athlete may be involved in as long as there is ongoing communication to best decide when to add the overspeed training stimulus as a plug in.
Whether you are young and in need of coordination or are a world-class athlete and want to run faster than world record paces with assisted overspeed training, we have an amazing opportunity for you to truly experience unreal training and technology.
Athlete Over Speed
School Schedule (8/14/23 - - 6/3/24)
(Subject to change - please check here often for updates)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
12:00pm - 1:30pm (OS) | 1:00pm - 2:30pm (OS) |
Summer Schedule (6/4/24 - - 8/12/24)
Summer Hours for 24” TBD
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
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“Our knowledge and decades of experience coupled with our commitment and investment in technology, gives us a true competitive advantage”